If you are a modern bride then maybe you have a modern groom who is very capable of choosing his wedding outfit without your help.

But can you sit back and relax in the knowledge that he understands what is expected of him?

Even if you are quite confident in his dress sense it is always a good idea to have your input on your groom’s attire. It will reduce your stress levels if you know exactly what he has chosen. Like most men he will probably be happy of any advice given!

The groom is the most important man at the wedding so he has a right to look the best dressed. Don’t be tempted to try to save money on your groom’s attire, if he looks bad then it may make you look bad.

Most men hate shopping so do some research first. What size is he? What colours does he prefer? Is he comfortable in top hat and tails or would he prefer a modern suit?

Top Tips On Grooms Attire

  • Make sure he tries on at least three different styles. He may not know what he likes but he will definitely know what he doesn’t like.
  • A dark grey suit either single or double breasted is the most popular groom’s attire but make sure to compliment it with a brightly coloured waistcoat and tie or cravat so he stands out.
  • Top hat and tails are still worn by the modern groom. It is usual for all the main male members of the bridal party to wear the same suit and accessories if top hat and tails are the chosen attire.
  • The traditional Kilt and all that goes with it, or not in the case of underwear, is also a common sight at weddings.
  • If the groom is a member of a uniformed service then he may want to get married in his finest uniform.
  • Quality cufflinks and tie pin or cravat pin are also great ways to show how important he is on the wedding day.
  • Most commonly groom’s attire is hired from a local suit hire shop on the high street but some retailers have a good quality range for sale. If you want value for money then buying the outfit may be ideal as it can be re-used for years to come.

See also: Our complete guide to wedding favour ideas

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