Supplier Referral Scheme

banner saying referrak scheme

Hey supplier you’ve been selected to be a part of the Poptop Supplier Referral sche

How the referral scheme works

  1. Refer clients to Poptop when you can not fulfil their booking request on your personal website. 
  2. Clients can use the referral code on Poptop which will give them a 10% discount.
  3. At the end of each month, we will pay suppliers 25% of the booking fee for each confirmed booking using their code.

When should you send your code?

There are two times you can send clients your code. Check out our flowchart to see when.

flowchart if when to send a suppliers unique referral code.

What to send clients?

To help you refer clients to Poptop we’ve made it easy. We’ve made example email templates that you can send to clients—one for when you’re unavailable and one for when you want to recommend other services.

For when you’re unavailable:

Hey Client Name,

I am so glad that you’d like to book my service, but unfortunately, I am not available for (date of event).

The great thing is, I can help. I have a referral code to Poptop. They’re an online marketplace that has several different suppliers just like me.

You can use my referral code, which will give you a 10% discount when booking through Poptop.


I hope you have a fantastic event and keep us in mind for any future events you may have.


Supplier Name

For recommending other suppliers on Poptop:

Hey Client Name,

I am so glad you’ve booked my service and I can’t wait to attend your party.

Are you looking for more services to have at your event? Such as food, music or marquees? I’ve got great news! You can find all that and more on Poptop UK.

You can use my referral code, which will give you a 10% discount when booking through Poptop.


Check out all the great suppliers and I’ll see you at your event!


Supplier Name

What next?

You now have your unique code and an idea of when to send it to clients. All you’ve got left to do is refer clients.

Remember you get 25% of all the booking fees for the bookings that are confirmed through Poptop using your code.


  1. Yes, that’s a very good idea, I will try and use next time.

    • Thanks, David. I’m glad that you found this information helpful.

      If you have any questions, just ask.



  2. Can I use this for suggesting other services on Poptop, even when the client has just booked me through Poptop?
    Also, if I cannot take a Poptop enquiry, use referral and get 25% payment, by referring client to go back to Poptop and they get discount when making a booking,or is it only apply to enquiries on other sites you can refer them to Poptop?

    • Hi Chris,

      Unfortunately the referral scheme doesn’t work that way, as we already upsell and recommend other services on Poptop to clients. It is mainly for external events made outside of Poptop if you are unavailable or if you’d like to recommend other suppliers on Poptop.

      Hope that helps.



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