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10 Forgotten Tips No One Tells You About Wedding Planning

bride regrets

Ultimately, wedding planning on your own will be an amazing experience, but it could also be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster with challenges and stress overloads along the way…

To combat this, we recommend using our wedding checklist and reading some of our other awesome articles to help you along the way, but even the most clued up and organised bride may not have considered these extra points to keep in mind.

1. The difference between a casual wedding and a formal one mainly comes down to budget, not an effort

It may sound like it, but planning a ‘casual’ wedding, will be no easier than a ‘formal’ wedding. Ultimately the difference comes down to budget as you still need to organise all of the same elements. We think that getting as organised as possible, as early as possible, is the way to beat this potentially overwhelming realisation. From there, you can take each part of the process step by step to minimise the stressful hurdles you may come across.

2. Wedding planning will take over your life (at least, temporarily)

…And you may not even have gone into full bridezilla mode. Just because other people aren’t as interested in hearing your detailed wedding planning ideas and chatter, doesn’t mean you should stop. Remember, this is your big day, so talk away and ignore any eye rolls that come in reply and enjoy it, because once it’s over, you may even miss the intense wedding planning process that you went through!

It’s the biggest day of your life, so why shouldn’t you show your excitement?! Just remember that normal life is still going on for everyone else, so don’t forget a “So how are things with you?” in between the wedding related conversations.

3. There will be tears – both happy tears and wtf am I doing tears

Even the calmest and collected bride may feel the emotions starting to topple at various stages of the wedding planning process. Why? Because it can be very stressful, overwhelming and at times, frustrating. To stop any outright emotional breakdowns at things which would normally not be such an issue, then go with your emotions.

Cry when you feel like you need to cry and if that includes having a little stomp of your feet and downing numerous cups of tea, then who are we to judge? This goes for the happy times too. Did your dress fitting actually go to plan? Did the bridesmaids’ dresses from eBay actually look like the image? Then bring on the happy tears!

4. You Will most likely forget to budget for something

Whether its outright forgetting to include something in the beginning or finding yourself in love with something you never thought to budget for – it happens to us all. You can avoid this by using our wedding planning checklist and searching for as much inspiration and wedding trends in the earlier stages. For this, we love Pinterest! Also, if possible, you should always budget a good £100 – 200 for emergency must-haves that may crop up later on in the process.

5. Your fiance loves you – but they may not share all of your excitement

Do not be disheartened if your fiance is not as excited about certain things as much as you, or if he refuses to become as obsessed about centrepieces or party favours as you do. It’s okay.

If you really want them to get more involved, then find out what excites them about weddings, or if they have any ideas, and go from there. Enthusiasm often comes from passion and excitements, so start here and move forward.

6. Everyone will have something to say

Mums, girlfriends, siblings, colleagues, your third cousin twice removed – everyone wants a piece of the action and wants to ‘help’ in some way, especially when it’s not wanted!

Remind everyone that this is your day, and therefore, you’ll be doing it your way. If you can do this politely, then even better 😉 Bottom line, go with your gut, not theirs.

7. Make that list, and check it twice!

So, you may find that your budget needs adjusting throughout the process in order to make all of your visions come into place and without breaking the bank. An easy way to do this is to have a thorough look at your guest list and see who you can cut out. Just a few deductions will mean fewer mouths to feed and this really does add up! Check out our guest list article to help out with deciding who should make the final round.

8. Dance from the heart, not from the steps

There is no pressure to have even a remotely professional or well put together first dance. Sway on the spot, or jumping from foot to foot will not be judged at all, so if you don’t really have the budget for it or the desire, then skip on having dance lessons altogether!

As long as you choose a song that you both love, and maybe have a few practice runs at home, then all will be well.

9. Trial and trial again

Hair and makeup trials are highly advisable. Just like having dress fittings, you want to ensure that you’ll look your best on the day, and in order to do this, practice runs for hair and makeup should take place too. If you plan your first trials far enough in advance, it also means you have time to run a second round to make any changes or just to ensure it’s perfect, in time for the big day.

10. Take the time to enjoy your dress fittings

You will most likely only wear your wedding dress once, so make the most of every chance you get to wear it. Now, we don’t exactly recommend that you wear it when sitting around the house, or prepping your lunch, but use the fittings as a chance to really enjoy the garment, and to see how it works with your ideas for hair, makeup and accessories too!

Also, check out our guide on where to start your wedding planning.

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