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Everything You Need To Know About VE Day & How To Mark The Occasion

Victory in Europe Day on the 8th of May is a hugely important day on the British calendar and beyond. This year, take part in in memorialising and remembering the importance of VE Day by learning all about its history and significance for the UK and for the rest of Europe. Why not even celebrate this significant occasion with the whole family?! See these easy ideas we have for you below. But first…

What Is VE Day?

On the 7th of May 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces and the War in Europe was over. Announcements and news spread like wildfire across the UK and the following day (8th of May) was marked a national holiday.

Many people began celebrating immediately, with bunting and flags hung , bonfires were lit, the pubs were full and everyone danced in the streets. All over Europe, and the rest of the world, the news and celebrations began.

Easy Ways To Mark the Occasion

Nowadays, VE Day is still an important date on the calendar across many countries all over the world. In Britain, we usually mark the occasion with some reminders of the hardships of the war and we honour those who lost their lives. The Royal British Legion are also asking people to place a ‘Tommy Figure’ in the window, a silhouette of a First World War Soldier to mark an important generation.

Here are some great ways to explore the history of VE Day and celebrate the war that ended 76 years ago.

Two Minute Silence at 11am

This year, homes and workplaces across the country will be marking the 76th VE Day with a 2 minute silence at 11am to remember and honour all of the sacrifices made during the Second World War.

Learn About the History of VE Day

Get together with your family and friends to educate yourself further about WWII and VE Day this year. There are so many resources online to choose from, videos to watch and more. Take a look at this webpage from the Imperial War Museum to get you started.

Host a 1940s Tea Party

Ever hosted a Street Party to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday? Or even a 1940s remembrance Tea Party celebration? If there was ever a time to get the scones and cucumber sandwiches out, this is it! Tea Parties are at the heart of British culture, so host one this year for you and your friends and family!

Don’t feel like Catering? Let us do if for you, with our incredible Afternoon Tea Services!

Listen to Winston Churchill’s Speech

Possibly the most important man in Britain during the second world war was Winston Churchill. On the 8th of May 1945, he gave a tremendous speech to the public broadcast from Downing Street, thanking the nation but also reminding them the War with Japan was not yet over. Listen to it here.

This is not victory of a party or of any class. It’s a victory of the Great British nation as a whole.

Winston Churchill, 8th of May 1945

Make Some Union Jack Bunting

Red, white & blue Bunting was hung through the streets at the announcement at the end of the war in Europe. Why not make your own bunting to commemorate VE Day 76 years later. The creative world is your oyster, from paper and fabric to paint and coloured felts – get creative!

Speak to Those Who Experienced the War

Whether you have an elderly neighbour or some of your family members remember the war, now it the time to sit and listen to their memories, learn from their experiences and keep their stories alive. If you don’t have anyone that you can meet up with, consider volunteering at the nearest care home.

Listen to Some Old War Songs

Music during the 1940s was just as important as today. Why not tune into Second World War radio and get doing the Lindy Hop!

Want some Live Entertainment? Choose one of our incredible Vintage Singers to bring an authentic experience to any VE Day celebration.

Bake Some Special VE Themed Cakes

Cake is always going to be at the heart of British culture. This VE Day, why not get baking and create a Great British masterpiece. There are a huge range of recipes online, but here are a couple of our favourites to get you started!

Dress up With 1940s Fashion

Why not try out some 1940s hair and makeup styles, or raid through your wardrobe to try and style an outfit based on those of End of War fashions. Try Victory Rolls or other vintage styles to really put you in the shoes of those who lived throughout the war.


Are you planning a big celebration to commemorate VE Day? Thinking of hosting a street party? Look no further for some incredible services, perfect for any VE Day celebration. – View Poptop Now!

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