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DIY Creative Wedding Guest Book Ideas

wedding guest book ideas

Your wedding guest book is among those things that should feel special, creative, and personalized. Instead of the plain traditional guest books consider a DIY guest book. It’ll encourage your guests to share their thoughts and sentiments creatively. 

You’ll live with the guestbook for the rest of your life after the wedding. As such, let it be more than just a collection of signatures. Think creatively along with the following DIY guestbook ideas.

8 Wedding Guest Book Ideas

1. Polaroid Selfies

Encourage your guests to be cozy in front of the camera and leave their marks with a Polaroid selfie. You can make it easier for them by setting up a station just for this task. You’ll have an overload of hilarious photos to always remind you of the big day.

Let the guests write personalized messages at the back of the photos. It’ll be a lot more fun reading them as you look at the pictures than reading through a plain guestbook.

2. Constellation Map

Have your friends pen their thoughts and sweet notes around a constellation map. It can be from any location and date of your choice. Alternatively, if you and your partner are globe-trotting, let your guest sign on a globe that represents your little world.  

3. Shadow Box

Extend your creativity to a shadow box. Let your wedding guest slip heart-shaped notes in a personalized shadow box. Later, frame all the letters and display them on an easel with some greenery. 

Speaking of hearts, you can have your guests lend you a piece of their own, in wooden form. For more customization, give them a personal touch with snippets of lyrics from your first dance song. 

4. DIY Puzzle

Get an old puzzle and upcycle it into a one-of-a-kind guestbook. Once the guests have finished penning their thoughts on the puzzle, scramble it up. You can always put it back together on your anniversary celebration

5. Creative Signage

Have a specially created signage for your new home. It could be the names of both you and your spouse. Have the guests sign on it using acrylic paint to make the writings more long-lasting. 

Find a safe place to put the signage, whether inside or outside the home. It could help if you put it in an open area where you can view it easily.

6. Wood-Burned Tree Slice

You can find a tree slice from your local craft store. Have your wedding date engraved on the tree and add some personalized decorations using a wood-burning kit.  

Provide your guests with fine point permanent markers and a large sign to guide them on what to do. 

While thinking along the lines of trees, consider placing a beautiful Manzanita, cherry blossom, or magnolia in a pot. Make cards and decorate them with ribbons. Ask the guests to write their well wishes or advice on the cards placed on the branches. 

The tree will make for an attractive keepsake for the house afterwards. 

7. Typewriter Guestbook

This may sound old school, but the idea is still exciting many years later. The idea is to buy a vintage typewriter from one of the many online stores. Have it stationed at a convenient place at the wedding venue and guide your guests on what to do.

For example, you could ask them to leave some words of wisdom or a marriage tip. You’ll be amazed at the exciting responses you’ll get.

8. Wine Bottle Guest Book

Whiskey Made

Have a collection of wine bottles and personalize them with labels for your guests to sign on them. Their notes go inside their respective wine bottles. You and your spouse can pop open a different bottle each anniversary to read the heartfelt notes.

Alternatively, you can use a bourbon barrel as a guestbook. After the wedding, you can use it creatively in your home as a table. You’ll remember the friends and family who graced your wedding day for a long time. 

Final Thoughts

A wedding guest book is where your friends and family leave their heartfelt messages for your big day. Your guest book doesn’t have to be traditional and boring. You can be more creative and have a DIY guestbook that you’ll enjoy looking at during your anniversaries. 

Creative guest book ideas are all around you. Think of a puzzle block, innovative tree branches, or wine bottle guest book. You’ll enjoy reading through your guests’ messages from a creatively crafted guestbook. 

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